Proiect – Site Warthe Energy

WarthenergyWarthe Energy is a trading and Sales specialist of energy-related commodities established in 2010. Our expanding team of dedicated Trading specialists is always innovating to cater to our clients mostly in the process of reaching their regulatory and environmental objectives. About usWarthe Energy is providing advisory services for greenhouse gas emission allowance business, within EU-ETS Scheme and the mechanisms created by the Kyoto Protocol.

We provide markets and give liquidity to international exchanges in Europe and the US in order to make those financial markets fair, open and reliable. S.C. Warthe Energy S.R.L. is a service provider for industrial market participants of mandatory emissions trading all over Europe also offering consulting and support services related to the commercial and technical aspects of emissions trading.

We are not only traders but also brokers and advisers being therefore able to advise our customers industrials, financials on trading activities related to CO2 exchanges and on accessing the Environmental and Energy markets in an efficient and simple manner.

Website Warthe Energy
Proiectul include

WordPress, PHP, CSS, JS

Termen de executie

2 saptamani

Compatibil cu

Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, Dispozitive mobile, Tableta si alte dispozitive.

Manopera a inclus

Grafica personalizata, panou administrare, retele sociale, formular contact, banner JS, 10 pagini incluse, continut, documentatie.

Proiectul a inclus