Proiect – Site de prezentare ProMediaHouse

ProMediaHousePrezentare ProMediaHouse: With an outstanding team of professionals and at least twelve years of experience, ProMediaHouse offers a wide range of services in the videography industry. Private events videography, corporate events, product videography, Aerial filming and photography (IAA Approved), product and location ads, media content, advertising and more. Ready. Set. Wow!
Whether you’re looking for a professional videographer for your private event, or for an corporate event, you’ve come to the right place. Or maybe you’re looking for someone to record your event. Both on the ground and in the air. ProMediaHouse is here for you!

Proiectul include

HTML, PHP, CSS, JS, WordPress

Termen de executie

7 zile

Compatibil cu

Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, Dispozitive mobile, Tableta si alte dispozitive.

Manopera a inclus

Grafica personalizata, implementare design, implementare module, banner, JS, pagini incluse, continut, documentatie.

Proiectul a inclus